New Year, New applications!

All of us at Calibrated Instruments would like to wish our customers around the world a Healthy, Happy and Prosperous New Year!

Our first application for our Cali-5-Bond™ sampling bags comes from the School of Biotechnology and Biomolecular Sciences at one of Australia’s premier science and technology universities.

We are doing microbial culture with altered atmospheres, so I am going to be using the bags as a reservoir for the gases before adding them to the culture bottles. We will be using an air-tight syringe with a Luer connector to remove the gas from the bag and need the valve on the bag to be able to close

“I have previously used the bags in another lab in New Zealand where I briefly visited to learn these techniques. It took me many, many days scouring the internet to find you, as I didn’t know the name of the bags and it’s not a common sense one! So I am very happy to have found your website eventually.”

Editors Note: We are so happy that you took the time to find us on the internet! Calibrated is in the process of rebuilding our website and adding important and useful content so that our customers and potential customers can find us easily. We are also looking for customers who use our Cali-5-Bond™ sampling bags in the field to add to our growing list of applications, share their research and experiences and even link to our website.

This second application, also from Australia, is a major research center that supports profitable and sustainable agriculture, horticulture, fisheries and rural communities uses our Cali-5-Bond™ sampling bags in the following way.

“My application is for collection of agricultural soil gas for analysis of N2O isotopocules. Cali-5-Bond™ gas sampling bags will also be used to transfer isotopic reference N2O gas from storage containers to an isotopic N2O analyser.”


If you have a unique application of our Calibrated Instruments Cali-5-Bond sampling bags or a success story you would like to share, please let us know! Email us at

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