Scientific Articles Featuring Our Cali-5-Bond™ Sampling Bags
Cali-5-Bond™ sampling bags are featured in scientific articles from time to time and we wanted to share a couple that feature our product. We hope you enjoy them! The first article is a Bio Resource Technology article from Mississippi State University. Follow the article linked below for check it out. Development and comparisons of efficient […]
Another Application From NSTLI Centre Accelerator Science

We operate an accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS) service in the Centre for Accelerator Science (CAS) at ANSTO, the Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation. Amongst the radioisotopes we measure is 14C or ‘radiocarbon’. AMS is a very sensitive analytical technique which is based on identifying and counting individual atoms, in this case of radiocarbon. Some […]
Applications for Cali-5-Bond™ multi-layer sampling bags

Our Cali-5-Bond™ sampling bags have been used around the world for a variety of applications in many industries. Expanded uses for our bags are continually being developed in the marketplace. The purpose of this blog is to list some of the successful applications for C5B bags. Please contact us so we can add your specific […]